Coming soon
Ultra Maniac
Ultra Maniac is a manga series. The comedy show features her transfer student friend, Nina Sakura, who's in fact a witch from the magical realm, also a tennis team member, and grader Ayu Tateishi. It ran until January 2004 and was still in February 2001 in Shueisha's Ribon manga magazine. It had been also published in five. Viz Media published with the English translation of this show from North America and licensed.
The show was first adapted into a 20-minute anime OVA, August 6, 2002, published. Later, it was adapted into a tv show. Ashi Productions and Animax created both. The show premiered on Animax on May 20, 2003 at Japan, also was licensed for Area inch distribution by Geneon Entertainment.
Released: 2003-05-20