Coming soon
Time-slip is a British children's science fiction tv show broadcast between 1970 and 1971 and created by ATV for the ITV network. The show centres around two kids, Simon Randall and Liz Skinner who discover the existence of a bizarre event, known as the"Time Barrier", that empowers them traveling at time to different historical periods in alternate pasts and futures. Both kids have contrasting personalities. Whereas Simon is studious, Liz is something of a tomboy, and this usually leads to conflict between the two. However, since the show progresses, their antagonism matures into a profound bond of friendship.
With the manner humanity uses -- and abuses -- technology and science, the subject of the show is concerned. It investigates the way the search for awareness and progress can lead to the abandonment of principles and individuals' depersonalisation. A motif -- explored in the instances where Liz and Simon encounter potential future versions of themselves -- concerns the degree to which someone can vary based on the situations encountered in their life.
Released: 1970-09-28
Sci-Fi & Fantasy