Coming soon
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear is an animated television Show produced from 2003 to 2009 from Amberwood Entertainment and PorchLight Entertainment. It is still being aired on Disney Junior specialty TV stations and Household in Canada and in the USA.
The title character is just a stuffed toy bear this, as well as other filled bears, is"alive" and also have experiences in their own. They are extremely careful to use when in sight of humans, to appear inanimate. Brother Max and sister Eliza's bears are often seen together, although Max is some times mean to his sister.
Jonathan Crombie given benjamin Bear. Leslie Hetdgen has been this TV series' adviser.
The bears' most important responsibility would be for their kid. They keep them happyand behave as a friend when needing, and keep them out of harm's way and on the path to success.