Coming soon
Stormworld is an Australian-Canadian television series aired on the Nine Network in '09 in Australia and aired on Space March 2009 in Canada using a replica broadcast in August 2009.
When they're hauled to an alien world through a vortex whilst, the series follows two boys, Jason and Lee. The boys receive assistance from Flees of living on Stormworld who has a vessel named 20, a veteran. The boys, as new arrivals or"access crashers" because the local inhabitants call them, find shelter at The Settlement.
Stormworld may be your destination for both most items and folks from unique worlds. Transport to Stormworld happens whenever large pests create between another world and Stormworld a vortex. Stormworld's outer lining is really actually a saltwater sea with islands that have a hot climate that is generally a. Fresh water is a rare resource that's essential to the survival of inhabitants. This contributes to everybody else else searching for fresh water, including the Great H20. Barter of the items and trade function as foundation of the market that is people.
Released: 2009-03-18
Duration: 30