Coming soon
Sheep in the Big City
Sheep in the Big City is an American animated television show that ran from November 17, 2000, on Cartoon Network for 2 seasons, to April 7, 2002. The show' pilot premiered as part of Cartoon Network's"Cartoon Cartoon Summer" on August 18, 2000.
Created by Mo Willems, the majority of the show follows a run away sheep, Sheep, in its own life in"the Big City". Additionally, it includes shorts and unrelated sketches , similar for the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show. With a focus on more"complex" humor, using multiple forms of rhetoric from the personalities to the plots, it was more popular with older audiences. It was unusual in featuring many references that are comic to tv and filmmaking broadcasting.
At that time, Sheep in the Big City's premiere was the premiere for a Cartoon Network show.
Released: 2000-11-17