Coming soon
Pulling is just a BBC comedy series, produced by Starving River Productions and broadcast on BBC Three, about three unmarried friends who are living at Penge London. It celebrities Tanya Franks as Karen Sharon Horgan as Donna, Rebekah Staton as both Louise and Cavan Clerkin as Karl and was co-written by Dennis Kelly and Sharon Horgan.
Pulling was the comedy show.
The first series of six episodes was initially shown in 2006 on BBC Three, then repeated in early 2008. Another six-episode set of Pulling aired March to 27 April 2008 and a final one-hour episode aired to 17 May 2009. In Australia, string one and two was aired March 2009 Thursday from 5 at 10pm although the final one-hour episode is yet to be screened by the system. Repeats have been viewing on rotation through UKTV.
In 2007, the series was BAFTA nominated for Best Actress Comedy while Horgan won a British Comedy Award for Best Comedy Entertainment Lady in 2008. In the same year, it was announced that Pulling have been cancelled by BBC Three.
Released: 2006-11-23