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Can be actually just really a drama tv series from 2008. The season was listed during February 2008 in twelve episodes to be aired later during the autumn. It premiered on the TV station FST5 on September 2-4, 2008 and later the exact same day on Swedish TV4. Filmlance produces the show. On January 2-3 TV4 announced that Mikael Persbrandt and the role will be playing and on February 10 other cast members were announced. Helena af Sandeberg, Sofia Ledarp, Marie Richardson and Mirja Turestedt. TV4 also announced that they had begun to work on the 2nd season prior to the earliest had even been aired., the very first season was published by Johan Zollitsch, Jan Arnald, Karin Gidfors along with Hans Rosenfeldt but the 2nd one was composed by Thomas Borgström along with Sa Ra Heldt. Filming the 2nd season took place throughout the spring 2009. TV4 refused to state how much money that the filming has cost the station, however they verifies that"alot of money" has been used.