Coming soon
On the Lot
Is a short-lived reality show contest for film making, produced by Steven Spielberg and Mark Burnett. The show, which aired on Fox, featured film makers rival in elimination contests, with the prize of a evolution deal at DreamWorks. The Lot aired, and premiered May 22, 2007.
She quit on although the show was hosted by Chelsea Handler. She later said,"I stopped because I smelled the tragedy happening before it did." Adrianna Costa replaced her.
Original episodes narrowed 50 semi finalists down to 18 finalists. This app was a one-hour show, by Film Premiere. 24 hours later featured halfhour episodes of viewer reaction, qualified Box Office. Viewers could vote to get their favourite supervisors, which resulted with the lowest vote in the removal of those directors. Votes can possibly be made online at, along with mobile calls and Verizon texting, and so were permitted for two hours following the show.
Originally scheduled for separate episodes on successive nights, the"Film Premiere" episodes eventually aired on Tuesday nights at 8:00PM/7:00PM CT, with unemployment results as part of the following week's installment, at the time of May 31, 2007. The show also aired On-star Movies in Asia, and on STAR World in Israel, India and Pakistan, on People + Arts in Latin America in Canada. The show aired on SABC two until August, if it was taken out of the program. From the 1 1 December 2008 SABC 2 begun broadcasting About The Lot.
Duration: 60
United States of America