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Keen Eddie
Keen Eddie is comedy drama tv series which aired on the Fox Network in 2003, an American action. The show follows a NYPD detective who remains to operate well with New Scotland Yard also belongs to London when among the cases goes sour. The show's assumption bears a close similarity to the most popular 1980s show Dempsey & Makepeace being that a female house mate has replaced the partner. Stylistically, the show established inspiration from feature movies. duo Orbital supplied the incidental and sound track music for the episode. Daniel Ash of Love and Rockets scored the rest of the Collection.
The show was first scheduled to premiere during the 2002--2003 tv season, but had been postponed and premiered in summer 2003. The show was then moved to Thursdays using its seventh episode to aid in improving its ratings, but Fox canceled the show because of its low evaluations of 5.1 million viewers.
The French cable system Bravo picked the series to begin airing in January 2004, for example, six episodes. All thirteen episodes of the show were released on DVD by Paramount Home Entertainment on September 7, 2004. Unfortunately, the original score was replaced due to music licensing difficulties.
Released: 2003-06-03
Duration: 60
United States of America