After the Rehearsal
Reasonable, exacting, as well as self-controlled cinema director, Henrik Vogler, typically stays after rehearsal to believe and prepare. On this day, Anna comes back, ostensibly looking for a bracelet. She is the lead in his brand-new production of Stindberg's "A Desire Play." She broaches her hatred for her mommy, currently dead, an alcoholic starlet, that was Vogler's star and also lover. Vogler falls under a reverie, remembering a day Anna's mom, Rakel, late in life, came after rehearsal to beg him to come to her house. He wakes up and also Anna discloses the factor she has actually returned: she shocks him into a psychological action, rare for him, and the feelings of a young woman as well as an older guy play out.
Released: 1984-06-21